
class FlatFileStoreTarWriter(out: TarArchiveOutputStream, prefix: String = "cache/", timestamp: Instant = Instant.EPOCH) : Store

A specialised Store implementation that writes a cache in the FlatFileStore format to a TarArchiveOutputStream.

The cache is not buffered to disk.

This implementation only supports the create and write methods. All other methods throw UnsupportedOperationException.

It is only intended for use by the cache archiving service's web interface.


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constructor(out: TarArchiveOutputStream, prefix: String = "cache/", timestamp: Instant = Instant.EPOCH)


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open override fun close()
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open override fun create(archive: Int)

Creates an archive. Does nothing if the archive already exists.

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open override fun exists(archive: Int): Boolean

Checks whether an archive exists.

open override fun exists(archive: Int, group: Int): Boolean

Checks whether a group exists.

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open override fun flush()
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open override fun list(): List<Int>

Lists all archives in the store.

open override fun list(archive: Int): List<Int>

Lists all groups in an archive.

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open override fun read(archive: Int, group: Int): ByteBuf

Reads a group.

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open override fun remove(archive: Int)

Deletes an archive and all groups contained inside it. Does nothing if the archive does not exist.

open override fun remove(archive: Int, group: Int)

Deletes a group. Does nothing if the archive or group does not exist.

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open override fun write(archive: Int, group: Int, buf: ByteBuf)

Writes a group. If the archive does not exist, it is created first. If a group with the same ID already exists, it is overwritten.