Package-level declarations


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inline fun <T> Path.atomicWrite(sync: Boolean = true, f: (Path) -> T): T
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fun Path.fsync()
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fun Path.recursiveCopy(destination: Path, visitOptions: Array<FileVisitOption> = emptyArray(), copyOptions: Array<CopyOption> = emptyArray())
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fun Path.recursiveEquals(other: Path, linkOptions: Array<LinkOption> = emptyArray(), openOptions: Array<OpenOption> = emptyArray(), filter: (Path) -> Boolean = { true }): Boolean
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inline fun <T> Path.useAtomicBufferedWriter(vararg options: OpenOption, sync: Boolean = true, f: (BufferedWriter) -> T): T
inline fun <T> Path.useAtomicBufferedWriter(cs: Charset, vararg options: OpenOption, sync: Boolean = true, f: (BufferedWriter) -> T): T
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inline fun <T> Path.useAtomicOutputStream(vararg options: OpenOption, sync: Boolean = true, f: (OutputStream) -> T): T
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inline fun <T> useTempFile(prefix: String? = null, suffix: String? = null, vararg attributes: FileAttribute<*>, f: (Path) -> T): T
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inline fun <T> Path.useTempFile(prefix: String? = null, suffix: String? = null, vararg attributes: FileAttribute<*>, f: (Path) -> T): T